Monthly Archives: October 2012



Robert Branche

Et si nous étions tous là par hasard, simplement parce que nous sommes le résultat non prévu de l’évolution du monde. Pénible pour votre ego de vous imaginer le fruit du hasard, plus que d’une volonté ?
Je vous sens sur le point d’accepter cette existence née du hasard, mais vous restez persuadé que vous êtes né pour quelque chose, pour une mission secrète, pour mettre en œuvre une volonté immanente. Votre existence doit bien avoir un sens, quand même !
Je ne crois pas. Nous sommes nés pour rien. Nous sommes juste là, comme cela, un maillon possible et provisoire du vivant.
Est-ce désespérant ? Non je ne trouve pas. Je me sens plus léger, sans fardeau préalable sur mes épaules. Personne n’attend rien de moi.

Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet

Enfin, l’espèce humaine doit-elle s’améliorer, soit par de nouvelles découvertes dans les sciences et dans les arts, et, par une conséquence nécessaire, dans les moyens de bien-être particulier et de prospérité commune ; soit par des progrès dans les principes de conduite et dans la morale pratique ; soit enfin par le perfectionnement réel des facultés intellectuelles, morales et physiques, qui peut être également la suite, ou de celui des instruments qui augmentent l’intensité et dirigent l’em- ploi de ces facultés, ou même de celui de l’organisation naturelle de l’homme ?

Pablo Picasso

What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who only has eyes if he’s a painter, ears if he’s a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he’s a poet – or even, if he’s a boxer, only some muscles? Quite the contrary, he is at the same time a political being constantly alert to the horrifying, passionate or pleasing events in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How is it possible to be uninterested in other men and by virtue of what cold nonchalance can you detach yourself from the life that they supply so copiously? No, painting is not made to decorate apartments. It’s an offensive and defensive weapon against the enemy.

Shuichi Kato

The most important and vital role of intellectuals in the future will be that of changing the fundamental values of humanity. Here I would like to distinguish between two categories: on the one side highly qualified experts, scientists and technicians: on the other, the intellectuals, the difference being that intellectuals have the values at heart. 

Edgar Morin

Life is born from the Land. We are all sons of the earth and that is where our roots reside. That means that we don’t just have regional native lands nor national nor European. This is a first reality. The second is that we are bound to a common destiny and we have many common problems to solve: economic, demographic, ecologic problems, problems of drugs and so forth. We therefore have a common terrestrial identity and a common destiny. But we must still become conscious and develop an organized system adequate to that conscientiousness.



Борис Волынов, Александр Скворцов

Борис Волынов:

Александр Скворцов:




sky is alone
sea is alone
I am alone by myself
sky is with clouds
sea is with waves
always talking together
laughing joyfully
loving innocently
always living together
why am I alone
with full of tears in my mind
I have to live
without a love
in such a loneliness




  • 安全神話:最悪の事態でも炉心溶融は起こらない
  • 危険神話:炉心溶融が起こると数万人が死ぬ



ファッションにしても、「Forever 21」や「H & M」に群がって、上から下まで5000円で揃うような洋服で喜んでいる。それはそれでいいし、低価格ブランドを否定するつもりはない。でも、それですべて満足してしまうようでは、ファッションの感性は少しも成長しない。



Adri De Visser

Lioness adopts baby antelope in Uganda national park after eating its mother
When I got there, I saw the lionesses feeding on a Uganda antelope’s carcass.
I followed them for a while and they went up a tree to rest from the sun.
I was watching them when I heard a noise. It was the antelope’s fawn that had been hiding in the long grass.

宇都宮健児, 湯浅誠


Global Intelligence

Despite having the third-largest economy in the world, Japan has a growing problem with poverty. OECD continues to list Japan near the bottom of the pack in statistics showing the percentage of the population living in poverty. According to the most recent data, 15.7 percent of Japanese people are living in poverty, above the 11 percent average for OECD member states, and sixth-worst of the 34 countries studied.
Japan’s poverty rate is higher than countries with far less economic resources, such as the Slovak Republic (6.5 percent), Slovenia (7.2 percent), and Poland (10.1 percent). Perhaps more alarming is that the problem appears to be getting worse. The average annual increase in the poverty rate in Japan since 1985 has been 1.3 percent, above the 1.0 percent average of all OECD member states.
The economic fallout of the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011 is still being felt in Japan, and uncertainty in some sectors of the economy has lead to job losses for middle-aged workers. In a country that already has high levels of poverty among the elderly and disabled, such further complications present significant challenges in working toward a solution.



Cyber Clean Center



“Bot” is derived from the word “robot” and is an automated process that interacts with other network services. Bots often automate tasks and provide information or services that would otherwise be conducted by a human being. A typical use of bots is to gather information (such as web crawlers), or interact automatically with instant messaging (IM), Internet Relay Chat (IRC), or other web interfaces. They may also be used to interact dynamically with websites.
Bots can be used for either good or malicious intent. A malicious bot is self-propagating malware designed to infect a host and connect back to a central server or servers that act as a command and control (C&C) center for an entire network of compromised devices, or “botnet.” With a botnet, attackers can launch broad-based, “remote-control,” flood-type attacks against their target(s). In addition to the worm-like ability to self-propagate, bots can include the ability to log keystrokes, gather passwords, capture and analyze packets, gather financial information, launch DoS attacks, relay spam, and open back doors on the infected host. Bots have all the advantages of worms, but are generally much more versatile in their infection vector, and are often modified within hours of publication of a new exploit. They have been known to exploit back doors opened by worms and viruses, which allows them to access networks that have good perimeter control. Bots rarely announce their presence with high scan rates, which damage network infrastructure; instead they infect networks in a way that escapes immediate notice.





International Monetary Fund

Public debt in advanced economies has climbed to its highest level since World War II. In Japan, the United States, and several European countries, it now exceeds 100 percent of GDP. Low growth, persistent budget deficits, and high future and contingent liabilities stemming from population-aging-related spending pressure and weak financial sectors have markedly heightened concerns about the sustainability of public finances. These concerns have been reflected in ratings downgrades and higher sovereign borrowing costs, especially for some European countries. Correcting fiscal imbalances and reducing public debt have therefore become high priorities.

International Monetary Fund

The U.S. fiscal cliff could entail significantly more fiscal tightening (by about 3 percent of GDP) than assumed in the WEO projections. A recent Spillover Report (IMF, 2012) finds that if this risk materializes and the sharp fiscal contraction is sustained, the U.S. economy could fall into a full-fledged recession. The global spillovers would be amplified through negative confidence effects, including, for example, a global drop in stock prices. The impact of hitting the debt ceiling is more difficult to model. Political delays before the previous deadline, in summer 2011, led credit rating agencies to downgrade the United States, and major market turmoil ensued. At this stage, markets appear to consider the fiscal cliff a tail risk, given that Congress has in the past eventually reached a compromise to resolve similar high-stakes situations. However, this implies that, should this risk actually materialize, there would be a great shock to confidence that would quickly spill over to financial markets in the rest of the world. Notice that risks for a sudden fiscal withdrawal are also present in Japan: however, if they materialize, they will probably have spillovers that are not as large as those from the U.S. fiscal cliff.

ZTE Corporation

ZTE is a member of the UN Global Compact.The company is committed to a vision of balanced, sustainable development in the social, environmental and economic arenas. It promotes communications freedom around the globe.

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House of Representatives

The Committee launched this investigation to seek answers to some persistent questions about the Chinese telecommunications companies Huawei and ZTE and their ties to the Chinese government. Throughout the months-long investigation, both Huawei and ZTE sought to describe, in different terms, why neither company is a threat to U.S. national-security interests. Unfortunately, neither ZTE nor Huawei have cooperated fully with the investigation, and both companies have failed to provide documents or other evidence that would substantiate their claims or lend support for their narratives. Huawei, in particular, provided evasive, nonresponsive, or incomplete answers to questions at the heart of the security issues posed. The failure of these companies to provide responsive answers about their relationships with and support by the Chinese government provides further doubt as to their ability to abide by international rules.


てるてる坊主 てる坊主
あした天気に しておくれ
いつかの夢の 空のよに 晴れたら

てるてる坊主 てる坊主
あした天気に しておくれ
私の願いを 聞いたなら
あまいお酒を たんと飲ましょ

てるてる坊主 てる坊主
あした天気に しておくれ
それでも曇って 泣いてたら
そなたの首を チョンと切るぞ


自民党が発表した 日本国憲法改正草案 がトンデモ過ぎなので、その問題点を人権関係を中心に簡単にまとめてみました。
なお、たちあがれ日本の改憲案 も自民改憲案とほぼ同じ内容です。


第一条 天皇は、日本国の元首であり、。。。
第三条 国旗は日章旗とし、国歌は君が代とする。
第九条の二 我が国の平和と独立並びに国及び国民の安全を確保するため、内閣総理大臣を最高指揮官とする国防軍を保持する。
第九条の三 国は、主権と独立を守るため、国民と協力して、領土、領海及び領空を保全し、その資源を確保しなければならない。
第十二条 この憲法が国民に保障する自由及び権利は、国民の不断の努力により、保持されなければならない。国民は、これを濫用してはならず、自由及び権利には責任及び義務が伴うことを自覚し、常に公益及び公の秩序に反してはならない
第十三条 全て国民は、個人人として尊重される。生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する国民の権利については、公益及び公の秩序に反しない限り、立法その他の国政の上で、最大限に尊重されなければならない。
第二十一条 集会、結社及び言論、出版その他一切の表現の自由は、保障する。
第九十八条 内閣総理大臣は、我が国に対する外部からの武力攻撃、内乱等による社会秩序の混乱、地震等による大規模な自然災害その他の法律で定める緊急事態において、特に必要があると認めるときは、法律の定めるところにより、閣議にかけて、緊急事態の宣言を発することができる。
第九十九条 緊急事態の宣言が発せられたときは、法律の定めるところにより、内閣は法律と同一の効力を有する政令を制定することができるほか、内閣総理大臣は財政上必要な支出その他の処分を行い、地方自治体の長に対して必要な指示をすることができる。
第百二条 全て国民は、この憲法を尊重しなければならない。


The STRANDMON wingback chair is a gorgeous piece that is the modern version of the MK armchair IKEA first released in 1951. And, it’s available in two colours: Svanby grey or Vellinge blue.
Back then, the chair was selling for 207 Swedish kronor, or about $30. In today’s prices, that’d be about $440.
You can really loosen up and relax in comfort because the high back on this chair provides extra support for your neck.




GALABA とはウズベキスタン語で勝利という意味です

Mari Takenouchi, なかにし

Mari Takenouchi: すべては軍事産業から来ています。原発も核兵器を作るためにもともとつくられた技術。基地問題もそして放射能汚染を含む大規模環境破壊も、すべて軍事産業から来ている。これらをすべて違法にできないか。世界中で。

なかにし: 横槍を入れるようですが、インターネットは元々アメリカの軍事技術です。

Kirti Bunchua

No one denies that we have a Philosophy in Thailand for the Thai people. Buddhism has been the way of life of the Thai people throughout its history, but we all know that Buddha was a native of India and never came to Thailand. Buddhism as well as Western philosophy was imported into Thailand and has become a subject of study.
That we do not have a Thai philosophy, like Indian, Chinese, American or German philosophy is both true and false at the same time, but not in the same respect.
Though the Thai people are good followers of Buddha, the Thai Buddhism is unique in the world, both in its explanations and in its practices. The Thais have accepted Buddhism with adaptation, knowing how to adapt in a proper way its philosophical capacity. Hence, the Thai traditional beliefs and practices are not void of philosophical questions and answers.

Soraj Hongladarom

If Thai culture is to surge forward and remain responsive to the changes brought about by world conditions, then it has to become adaptive. … If one believes that Buddhism provides every answer, then one does not need to think for oneself. If one believes that the authority that can provide justification for philosophical believes comes from Buddhism alone, then it seems that one is not as responsive to the external circumstances as one should. … To depend wholly on Buddhism, believing that it can provide a real solution, then, would only mask the tendency to stop thinking and finding answers for oneself and for ones own society.



Faisal Bank

The bank wants to build bridges between Swiss private banking excellence and financial solutions based on ethics derived from Sharia.
This will enable us to deliver an innovative platform for an international clientele which trusts our private bankers because they are also accountable for their values.


The figure shows how Hawala works: A customer “A” approaches a broker “X” in one city and gives a sum of money (1 red) that is to be transferred to a recipient “B” in another, usually foreign, city. Along with the money, he usually specifies something like a password that will lead to the money being paid out (1 blue). The broker “X” calls another broker “M” in the recipient’s city, and informs “M” about the agreed password, or gives other disposition instructions of the funds (2b). Then, the intended recipient “B”, who also has been informed by “A” about the password (2a), now approaches “M” and tells him the agreed password (3a). If the password is correct, then “M” releases the transferred sum to “B” (3b), usually minus a small commission. “X” now basically owes “M” the money that “M” had paid out to “B”; thus “M” has to trust the promise of “X” to settle the debt at a later date.


Публичные казни происходят не только в Афганистане, где они не имеют законной силы и по сути являются проявлением самосуда. Так, в Иране за измену мужу женщину положено забивать камнями. Иногда способ приведения приговора в исполнение могут заменить повешением. В Саудовской Аравии суд может отправить человека на плаху по обвинению, например, в общении со злыми духами.


言論の自由が、幾多、先人の流血の戦いによって勝ち取られたものであり … これを侵すことは民衆の権利への侵害であることを明確に再確認し、言論の自由を守り抜くことを私どもの総意として確認したいと思いますがいかがでしょうか。




Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University

The Berkman Center’s mission is to explore and understand cyberspace; to study its development, dynamics, norms, and standards; and to assess the need or lack thereof for laws and sanctions.
We are a research center, premised on the observation that what we seek to learn is not already recorded. Our method is to build out into cyberspace, record data as we go, self-study, and share. Our mode is entrepreneurial nonprofit.

Meg Holle, Daniel Reetz

In the present world of expectations and disappointment, hidden threats and clear danger, there are many ways to die, not the least of which is consciously—choosing death over life or surrendering in full consciousness and potential. You, however are Not Dead. You are among the survivors, a quick study, awake and sturdy, an able individual who knows when to follow and when to fall behind. Neither solider nor stranger to structured living, you play the game well, even if it disgusts you—trusting to be trusted, serving to be served, obeying to command to one day transcend, neither master nor slave, even to yourself.

Tim Cook

Steve’s passing one year ago today was a sad and difficult time for all of us. I hope that today everyone will reflect on his extraordinary life and the many ways he made the world a better place.
One of the greatest gifts Steve gave to the world is Apple. No company has ever inspired such creativity or set such high standards for itself. Our values originated from Steve and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. We share the great privilege and responsibility of carrying his legacy into the future.
I’m incredibly proud of the work we are doing, delivering products that our customers love and dreaming up new ones that will delight them down the road. It’s a wonderful tribute to Steve’s memory and everything he stood for.

This un-politically correct WW2 cartoon book was presented to US soldiers in an easy-to-understand style to teach them valuable information about the very alien enemy Japanese: their ruses, deception tactics, tricks, psychology, antipersonnel measures, and commitment to winning war at any cost. The original was part of a special series distributed this un-politically correct WW2 cartoon book was presented to US soldiers in an easy-to-understand style to teach them valuable information about the very alien enemy Japanese: their ruses, deception tactics, tricks, psychology, antipersonnel measures, and commitment to winning war at any cost. The original was part of a special series distributed to and prepared especially for the individual combat soldier. The tips in the guide were based on “reasonably confirmed information” about the Japanese and their tactics obtained up to July 1945.
The Punch Below the Belt, using common language, real photographs, and cartoons; Japanese ruses, deception tactics, ambushes, snipers, camouflage and dummy installations, antipersonnel mines, and booby traps are explained and comically rendered in order to save US soldiers’ lives in the Pacific Theater in WW2.
The ruses, deception tactics and antipersonnel measures depicted in this e-book have not gone out of style. Some of those same tactics used by the Japanese in WW2 are being used by the muslims in the Middle East today. thinks such documents are useful as an example for modern soldiers, even if current western politically correct governments would never dream of issuing such a life-saving cartoon guide today.


福島第一原発 資材班: 現金が不足しております。申し訳ありませんが現金をお持ちの方、貸していただけないでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

本店 小森明生常務: あと、今日は、ヘリコプターで飛ぶ人いるのかな。え、ヘリコプターで飛ぶ人、誰、誰ですか。役割は現金。

ナレーション: 電源は失われ、2号機と3号機にもせまる、メルトダウンの危機。原子炉を冷却するためには、車のバッテリーをつなぎ合わせて、弁を動かすしかなかった。 しかし、命綱のバッテリーを買う現金すらなかったのだ。 ようやく10時間後。

本店: 本店から、相当多額のお金を持って、オフサイトセンターにひとり、向かわしています。オフサイトセンターに現金がある、状態が今晩ぐらいから生まれるので、ご活用ください、お願いします。

福島第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: それは、借用書を書けば貸してくれるということですね。

本店: 信用貸しといたしましょう。

福一第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: はい、はい、わかりました。

本店: お願いします。

福一第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: ありがとうございます。

ナレーション: ところが、すでに福島第一原発から20km圏内には、避難指示が出ていた。近くには空いている店は無かった。

福島第一原発 資材班: 私どもも、地元で調達しようというふには努力しているんですが、なんせいわきに行くまで6時間くらいどうも今かかっているようなので、ぜひ本店さんにもご協力していただけたらと思いますので。

福島オフサイトセンター: 今日、うちの方で、いわき方面に、バッテリー買いに行ったんですけども、どこも買えませんでした。

福島第一原発 資材班: 明日また買い出しに行きますので、ホームセンター等で手に入るような物で、何かご希望の物があれば、リストを持って、あのまあ口頭で構いませんから、資材班の方までお越しください。

ナレーション: 物資の補給は、ホームセンターへの買出し。世界最悪の原発事故現場とは思えないやりとりが続く。第一原発ではすでに1号機が爆発、2号機でも原子炉を冷やすため、海水を注入する必要に迫られていた。しかし、内部がさび、廃炉になる可能性があるため、東京電力にとっては最後の手段といえた。

報道陣: 苦渋の決断ということでしょうか?

本店 小森明生常務: とにかく安全を、今できることをやるということで、そちらを最優先という判断。

ナレーション: 東電幹部は、あくまで安全確保を優先し、海水注入をためらうことはないとしていた。だが、実際は。

本店 復旧班: あの、本店から、差し出がましいんですけど、あの、2号のですね、海水からいきなりやるようなふうに聞こえてきていて、あの、これは。

福島第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: 海水からやりますよ。

本店 復旧班: いきなり海水っていうのは、そのまま材料が腐っちゃったりしてもったいないので、なるべくねばって、真水を待つという選択肢もあるというふうに理解していいでしょうか。

福島第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: え、理解していけなくて、今から真水というのはないんです。時間が遅れます、また。言いたいのは、あの、真水でやっといたほうが、要するに塩にやられないから、あの、後で使えるということでしょ。

本店 復旧班: はい、そういうことです。

ナレーション: この期に及んでも、第一原発を再び使おうと考えていた、東電本店。これに対し、吉田所長は。

福島第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: 圧倒的に、多量必要な時に、やっぱり真水にこだわっていると、えらい大変なんですよ。

本店 復旧班: はい。

福島第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: この状況で行けば、海水でいかざるを得ないと考えている。

ナレーション: それでも諦めきれないのか、東電本店側は、一時間後にも。

本店 復旧班: いかにも、もったいないなって感じがするんですけどもね。

福島第一原発 吉田昌郎所長: いや、もう、今から、あの、水源切り替えてたら、それこそ時間がいくらあっても足りないということ。

ナレーション: 他にも、ビデオによって浮き彫りになった姿があった。

ニュース・キャスター: もうひとつニュースが入りました。福島第一原発の3号機で、先程、午前11時1分、水素爆発が発生しました。

ナレーション: 3月14日、3号機が爆発した直後、東電本店内では。

本店 非常災害対策室: 本日、11時1分、3号機原子炉建屋で、再度大きな、まあ、これ再度はいらないですね、大きな音が発生し、。。。。で停止ました。

ナレーション: 1号機に続く建屋の爆発。広報文や会見でどういう言葉で表現するのか、迫られていた。

本店 高橋明男フェロー: 要はさ、1号機を3号機に変えただけだってんでしょ。それで、えーと、水素爆発かどうかわかんないけれど、国が、なんか保安院が、水素爆発と言っているから、もういいんじゃないの、この水素爆発で。

本店 非常災害対策室: はい、可能性ということで、はい。

本店 高橋明男フェロー: 保安院がさ、さっきテレビで水素爆発と言っていたけど。保安院のやつはやってたと思うんだけど、ちょっと、歩調を合わしたほうがいいと思うよ。

本店 非常災害対策室: じゃあ、水素爆発だけで、絞って。

ナレーション: 最後は、清水社長が後押しした。

本店 非常災害対策室: いかがでしょうか。

本店 清水正孝社長: はい、あの、いいです。これでいいから、もうスピード。ゴーサインでスピード勝負。

ナレーション: そして、実際、この直後に開いた会見では。

本社 吉田薫広報部長: 実際にどこが爆発をしたかについては、確認をしておりますので、確認が出来次第、速やかにご報告申し上げます。えー、また、この爆発、水素爆発ということでございます。







Martin Wolf

Might growth be ending? This is a heretical question. Yet an expert on productivity, Robert Gordon of Northwestern university, has raised it in a provocative paper. In this, he challenges the conventional view of economists that “economic growth . . . will continue indefinitely.”
… What does this analysis tell us? First, the U.S. remains the global productivity frontier. If the rate of advance of the frontier has slowed, catch-up should now be easier. Second, catch-up could still drive global growth at a high rate for a long time (resources permitting). After all, the average GDP per head of developing countries is still only a seventh of that of the U.S. (at PPP). Third, growth is not just a product of incentives. It depends even more on opportunities. Rapid increases in productivity at the frontier are possible only if the right innovations occur. Transport and energy technologies have barely changed in half a century. Lower taxes are not going to change this.
Prof. Gordon notes further obstacles to rising standards of living for ordinary Americans. These include: the reversal of the demographic dividend that came from the baby boomers and movement of women into the labour force; the levelling-off of educational attainment; and obstacles to the living standards of the bottom 99 per cent. These hurdles include globalization, rising resource costs and high fiscal deficits and private debts. In brief, he expects the rise in the real disposable incomes of those outside the elite to slow to a crawl. Indeed, it appears to have already done so. Similar developments are occurrring in other high-income countries.
For almost two centuries, today’s high-income countries enjoyed waves of innovation that made them both far more prosperous than before and far more powerful than everybody else. This was the world of the American dream and American exceptionalism. Now innovation is slow and economic catch-up fast. The elites of the high-income countries quite like this new world. The rest of their population like it vastly less. Get used to this. It will not change.

Victor Fleischer

More than a trillion dollars in cash and short-term investments sits in offshore holding companies, awaiting a repatriation tax holiday. In the meantime, tax professionals spin out ways to manipulate the system.
The tax code provides multinationals based in the United States with many incentives to shift income to foreign low-tax jurisdictions. In theory, American corporations are taxed at 35 percent on their worldwide income. But income earned by an active controlled foreign corporation is not usually taxed until the cash is repatriated to the parent company in the United States as a dividend.
From a policy perspective, the problem is not so much that tax on foreign income is deferred, but rather that United States income is being masqueraded as foreign income.
Many multinationals use transfer pricing to minimize their global tax rate. After transferring intellectual property to low-tax jurisdictions like Puerto Rico, Ireland and Singapore, companies manipulate licensing and cost-sharing arrangements to avoid or reduce United States taxes. Cash from global operations is then parked offshore until the tax professionals can figure out how to get it home tax-free.




科学メディアに身を置く者として、僕自身も脱啓蒙のカフェをぜひやりたいのだが、果たしてほんとうに楽しそうにお客さんが訪ねてきてくれるものか自信がもてない。 。。。

Haruki Murakami

Numbers aren’t the important thing … what matters is deciding in your heart to accept another person completely. When you do that, it is always the first time and the last.

Charles Bukowski

  • What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don’t live up until their death.
  • People with no morals often considered themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel hate or love.
  • If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.
  • We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t.
  • The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

Hideo Yoshida

Dentsu’s 10 Working Guidelines

  1. Initiate projects on your own instead of waiting for work to be assigned.
  2. Take an active role in all your endeavors, not a passive one.
  3. Search for large and complex challenges.
  4. Welcome difficult assignments. Progress lies in accomplishing difficult work.
  5. Once you begin a task, complete it. Never give up.
  6. Lead and set an example for your fellow workers.
  7. Set goals for yourself to ensure constant sense of purpose.
  8. Move with confidence. It gives your work force and substance.
  9. At all times, challenge yourself to think creatively and find new solutions.
  10. When confrontation is necessary, don’t shy away from it. Confrontation is often necessary to achieve progress.



Loch Johnson

In general, we spend about $80 billion a year. About 85 percent of that money goes to technologies, like satellites and drones. …
We’ve thrown $80 billion at the problem of trying to understand the world. The British, for instance, spend $1.6 billion on the same problem. No country has ever spent so much money trying to make sure that the president and others in the government know what is going on. We do a fairly good job of that. But you could spend twice or three times that amount and still not know exactly what is going to happen tomorrow.

Elaine Sciolino

Standing in a nondescript conference room in a convention hotel in East Brunswick, N.J., James T. Fitzgerald does what he has been doing for the last 25 years: pitching the Central Intelligence Agency to aspiring recruits.
“It’s not like the James Bond movies,” he explains to 28 men and a woman, college graduates invited to the orientation on the basis of their resumes. “The more you learn about the C.I.A., the more you read about it, the more unromantic it becomes.”
For an hour, Mr. Fitzgerald works with the group but never uses the words “Soviet,” “enemy” or “covert,” or even “espionage.” Rather, he tells his audience that the mission of the agency is now so diverse it “could probably staff a small university.”
Like a secret agent who carries an invented history and clean passport to a new post, the C.I.A. is struggling to create a new, post-cold-war identity. If Robert M. Gates, the Director of Central Intelligence, could have his way, the spy agency would shed its popular image as a hotbed of operators who conduct covert actions around the world, or seduce foreigners into committing treason in the interests of America’s national security.
A child of the cold war nurtured on an us-versus-them mentality, the C.I.A. is longing to be accepted as a benign arm of the government bureaucracy, the place to come for cutting-edge information on everything from the effects of the AIDS epidemic on the emerging leadership of Africa to the possibilities of war in the Middle East over water resources.

Stanley Kober

This point must be stressed: economic competition is not a threat to national security; it is the preconditionof economic development. Instead of focusing its attention on other democracies and their commercialenterprises, the intelligence community would be better advised to monitor nondemocratic, aggressivelyexpansionist governments and movements–notably those of religious fundamentalism and nationalexclusiveness–that are now sweeping much of the globe. In their intolerance and willingness to resort toviolence, such movements are the heirs of earlier totalitarian regimes, which we fought so hard and solong to defeat. Watching those forces for the emergence of threats to U.S. security is the proper mission ofthe CIA, not spying on economic activities taking place in a capitalist global marketplace.

Charlotte Lepri

Le renseignement est une pratique certainement aussi ancienne que la guerre. Il y a plus de 2500 ans, en Chine, Sun Tzu écrivait l’Art de la guerre, premier traité de stratégie militaire qui reste un classique encore aujourd’hui. Sun Tzu reconnaissait l’importance de posséder du renseignement précis et correct sur les intentions et les capacités de l’ennemi pour remporter la victoire. Durant l’Antiquité, puis au Moyen-Âge et à la Renaissance, l’importance de l’espionnage et du secret ne se fait pas démentir. L’activité des espions rime avec trahison, mystère, courage ou corruption, et est souvent le fait d’acteurs privés et occasionnels.

Zalmay Khalilzad *

As we wire the world and our lives, we add new vulnerabilities that will be exploited. As a country and a society, we have no desire to stop, or even slow down, the dramatic technological improvements that the information revolution offers. Nonetheless, as we incorporate new systems into our lives and as we become increasingly dependent upon them, we must be prepared to protect ourselves.

Michael Cartney

Whether they are a small startup information-technology company considering what to tell potential strategic partners or the U.S. government deciding what military intelligence information to share with allies and potential coalition partners, every organization faces the enormous challenges of finding their sharing and security balance.

Andrew W Marshall

The advent of the information age will require, as never before, that we take a wider perspective and avoid stovepipes that blind us to changes taking place outside our own sphere of direct responsibility.

F. W. Rustmann, Jr.

Business is war. Survival of the fittest. In order to survive in today’s cutthroat business environment, we must be properly armed. One of the most important arrows in the businessman’s quiver is accurate knowledge of his competitors and business environment… Possessing accurate intelligence is like having a flashlight in the dark. It won’t remove any obstacles in your path, but it will illuminate them so you don’t stumble.

Sandy Pentland

In the real world of today, you can’t say, “It’s more of a computer science problem, so I’m going to bring in a computer scientist,” or “It’s more of an economy problem, so I’m going to bring in an economist.” You are expected to say, “Let’s look at the problem and let the problem dictate what needs to happen.” Then you go out and recruit whatever tools, knowledge, and people that you need to get the job done. That’s what I mean when I use the term anti-disciplinary.

Frank Moss

Sandy Pentland, head of the lab’s Human Dynamics group, has coined the word anti-disciplinary to describe the style of research at the Media Lab. He contends that it is the only approach suited to tackling the complex challenges facing us in the twenty-first century. I couldn’t agree more. Today’s problem – from global poverty to climate change to the obesity epidemic – are more interconnected and intertwined than ever before, and they can’t possibly be solved in the academic or research “silos” of the twentieth century. In a world where problems are so complex and multidimensional, so must be the solutions, which is why the boundaries between discrete, insular disciplines as we have known them in the past must disappear. …
I believe it is extremely telling that ever since the new Media Lab building opened its doors, it has become the favorite destination on campus for meetings between high-level MIT administration, corporation members, and their distinguished guests.
MIT has put their money, and now their mindshare, behind the Media Lab’s proposition that one of the most important disciplines in the twenty-first century will be no discipline at all. I think that makes it a fair bet.

Fumihiko Maki

MIT Media Lab Complex designed by Fumihiko Maki

In this “transparent building,” many disciplines coexist under the same roof and the boundaries between them are as invisible as the walls of the building itself.



Mark Strand

Even this late it happens:
the coming of love, the coming of light.
You wake and the candles are lit as if by themselves,
stars gather, dreams pour into your pillows,
sending up warm bouquets of air.
Even this late the bones of the body shine
and tomorrow’s dust flares into breath.

European Commission

When living or travelling outside the EU, you sometimes need help from your embassy/consulate – but what if your country has no diplomatic mission in that country?
No problem – under EU law you’re entitled to help from any other EU Member State’s embassy/consulate – under the same conditions as their nationals.



Liberal Democratic Party

We are a conservative political party that constantly seeks progress. Based on a correct understanding of liberalism and a truly democratic system, we shall …
Under the Emperor – the symbol of the state and the unity of the people – we have built the Japan of today, a nation of peace. We are a people that from the very beginning of our history have considered hard work a virtue, and regarded the attainment of self-reliance to be a thing of great honour. …
The liberalism we have long defended is neither a belief in market fundamentalism, nor a belief that a government should be allowed to intervene at will. Neither is it a belief in a culture that accommodates unbridled egoism of those liberals who claim to be socially underprivileged. We wish to reaffirm our belief in the true meaning of liberalism: a “freedom” that is created by self-reliant individuals possessing both ingenuity and a sense of duty, who work to create a society where free choice is possible, one in which all are regarded with respect and tolerance, and offered a helping hand in times of need.

The Japan Times

The LDP and Tachiagare Nippon are also calling for the establishment of full-fledged armed forces in place of the Self-Defense Forces. Our concern is that they may be deluded in thinking that possession of a full-fledged military will instantly solve diplomatic problems faced by the nation. The danger of abuse with a more powerful military by the government should never be underestimated nor forgotten.
Additionally, the LDP, Your Party and Tachiagare Nippon call for changing the status of the emperor from the “symbol of the State and the unity of the people, deriving from his position from the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power” as stipulated by the Constitution to the head of state on top of being the symbol of people’s unity.

Front National

Totalement désarmée par trente d’ans d’inaction et de reculades face à la mondialisation, la France doit revenir dans le jeu des Nations.
L’emploi, la réindustrialisation du pays, l’égalité entre les Français, l’aménagement du territoire et la vitalité des services publics en dépendent.
En raison de notre histoire nationale, c’est naturellement l’Etat qui sera le fer de lance de ce réarmement de la France : un Etat fort capable d’imposer son autorité aux puissances d’argent, aux communautarismes et aux féodalités locales.

Parti socialiste

Le PS est né d’une rencontre: d’un côté une pensée critique, riche et diverse, issue de la philosophie des lumières et de la tradition de l’humanisme. De l’autre, l’action du mouvement ouvrier qui, pendant deux siècles, a porté une contestation de l’organisation sociale façonnée par le capitalisme et défendu le projet d’une société solidaire dont tous les membres jouissent des mêmes libertés et des mêmes droits.
De cette histoire et des analyses qui en découlent, nous avons forgé des convictions et des valeurs qui font le socle de notre engagement.

Union pour un Mouvement Populaire

Un nouveau monde est en train de naître, avec ses menaces et ses opportunités. Il s’agit d’ouvrir un nouveau chemin pour la France, en ayant à cœur l’exigence de vérité. Pas de faire « rêver » les Français avec des promesses coûteuses qui conduiraient à la ruine.
La France peut relever les défis du 21ème siècle ; les Français peuvent gagner dans la mondialisation. Pour cela, il faut produire plus et dépenser moins ; mettre la priorité sur l’éducation et l’innovation.
Le modèle français peut être sauvegardé ; la liberté, l’égalité, la fraternité, mais aussi la sécurité et la laïcité peuvent être défendues face aux remises en cause. Pour cela, il faut réaffirmer avec autorité l’équilibre des droits et des devoirs, en toutes circonstances.

Шиничи Кушима

Журавлики также помогли навести мосты между ООН и японскими гражданами.
Для меня, японца, очень важно, что ООН проявляет участие к нам.

Robert Farrar Capon

The world exists, not for what it means, but for what it is. The purpose of mushrooms is to be mushrooms; wine is in order to be wine: Things are precious before they are contributory. It is false piety that walks through creation looking only for lessons which can be applied somewhere else. To be sure, God remains the greatest good, but for all that, the world is still good in itself. Indeed, since He does not need it, it’s whole reason for being must be in it’s own goodness; He has no use for it; only delight.

Jaroslav Jan Pelikan

Tradition is the living faith of the dead, traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. And, I suppose I should add, it is traditionalism that gives tradition such a bad name.

Man of the North

We have often discussed the hopeless nature of conservatism. However, a distinction must be drawn between conservatism and traditionalism. As we know, conservatism essentially seeks to preserve or re-create the particular social or economic conditions of the fairly recent past. It’s just nostalgia for yesterday’s newest thing (1950’s worship, longing for gilded age economics, etc). As it cannot by its nature contain new ideas, it lacks all positive or active force.
In contrast, traditionalism looks to the entire history of man (or one’s particular heritage), seeking certain functional cultural traits that simply work better. These universal human behaviors are not bound to a particular time in history, and they are as fresh today as ever. In fact, elements of traditionalism may be seamlessly included in a program of innovative, progressive, and future oriented ideology.

Mark Strand

In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is
always the case.
Wherever I am
I am what is missing.

When I walk
I part the air
and always
the air moves in
to fill the spaces
where my body’s been.

We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.